The SBDC network is the largest and most successful network of assistance to the small- and medium-size enterprises in the United States, with more than 1,100 centers, 4,500 full-time counselors and 750,000 clients-businesses served annually.

It is financed by the Small Business Administration (SBA), a federal agency, and by local, state, private and academic institutions, which host each SBDC and match the funds contributed by the federal government.

All SBDCs are members of the Association of SBDCs (ASBDC) and are certified by the ASBDC accreditation standards that guarantee the consistency, quality and effectiveness of the services offered.

In 2012, the national network of SBDCs assisted clients to create and retain more than 130,576 jobs, open 24,725 new businesses, generate $4.7 billion in new sales and obtain $3.4 billion in new financing. As a result of this impact, the national SBDC network generated fiscal revenues of more than $417 million, yielding a return on investment of $1.81/$1.

For more information on the United States SBDC Network and for a list of SBDC centers in the United States, please visit