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- Health, Beauty & Medical
- Chamma da Amazônia
Rua dos Pariquis, 2974 Crema??o, Bel?m 66040-045, PARA, PARA, Brazil
Phone: 5,59189E+11
- Website: http://www.chammadaamazonia.com.br
Chamma da Amazônia works with the combination between the knowledge about the Amazonian culture related to beauty and wellness. There are perfumes for personal use, air fresheners, products for bath and body such as soaps, creams, oils, gels, scrubs, etc. Since its inception, Chamma da Amazonia develops ongoing research on natural products and the packaging is recyclable, respecting the environment. Proof of this is the reduction of external packaging, since we do not use boxes in perfumery, but fabric bags that can be reused.
When creating our products, we try to create an innovative and responsible image, aware that the customer's benefit is our goal.
When creating our products, we try to create an innovative and responsible image, aware that the customer's benefit is our goal.
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Chamma da Amazônia